Nervous System Mobilization

Mobilizing the Nervous System is a Manual Therapy technique developed by David Butler, PT who viewed the nervous system as a structure that was designed to move and stretch with the body. He views the nervous system as an integrated and dynamic system involving biomechanical, physiological and morphological functions, he calls Neurodynamics.

When the body sustains an injury, adverse neural tension develops as a direct response to injury of the nervous system caused by irritation, adhesions, compression or stretching. This places the nervous system in danger of edema, ischemia, fibrosis and hypoxia.

Neurodynamics focuses on restoring the dynamic balance between the nerves and their surrounding tissues, soft and bony. This is done by movement of the affected nerves through limb positioning and neural gliding. Restoring neural mobility will quiet down the “altered impulse generating system (AIGs)” which is responsible for generating pain.
