Dry Needling

Dry Needling is a treatment performed by a Licensed Physical Therapist who has received additional specialized treatment to perform dry needling. It is not acupuncture. We do use an acupuncture needle but our focus is on treating the muscular system and any dysfunctions we find in the muscles.

Muscles that have sustained an injury due to trauma, stress or overuse often develop trigger or tender points that you recognize as painful “knots” in the muscle. Muscles can become tight as a protective mechanism when a joint is injured or damaged. Such as your low back muscles when you have a sprain or a bulging disc. Lumbar Sciatica can result in pain in the buttock and hip. Neck pain can cause headaches, numbness and tingling into the arm.

Dry Needling “reboots” muscles to help release the “knots” that are causing you pain and restricting movement.

Relief is usually felt within a few minutes. Occasionally you will have some muscle soreness that resolves in an hour or two.

To learn more and to listen to Jacob Cutrera’s (NFL linebacker) experience with receiving Dry Needling, watch this video presented by Terry Bradshaw at www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bst-eDCjwg
